11. Curve III in the above diagram represents a/an
12. A hydraulic ram acts as a/an __________ pump.
13. The capacity of an accumulator is the maximum
14. The inherent characteristic of an equal percentage valve relating flow rate 'q' with valve stem movement 'x' are described by the equation
15. What is the value of Fanning friction factor f ' for smooth pipe at NRe = 106 approximately?
16. For an unstable equilibrium of a floating body (where, M = metacentre.)
17. Drag force acting on a body does not depend upon the
18. For an incompressible fluid, the bulk modulus of elasticity is
19. Very small pressure difference (< 5 mm water coloumn) can be most conveniently measured by a/an __________ manometer.
20. A fluid which has a linear relationship between the magnitude of applied shear-stress and the resulting rate of deformation is called a/an __________ fluid.
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