1. When the damping co-efficient (ξ) is unity, the system is
2. For a feed back control system to be stable, the
3. In a closed loop system, the process to be controlled is an integrating process with transfer function $$\frac{1}{{2{\text{s}}}}.$$ The controller proposed to be used in an integral controller with transfer function $$\frac{1}{{{{\text{T}}_1}{\text{s}}}}.$$ When a step change in set point is applied to such a closed loop system, the controlled variable will exhibit
4. Which of the following controllers has maximum offset?
5. Which of the following relates the emf. generated in a single homogeneous wire to the temperature difference?
6. Flow rate of a river is measured by a/an
7. Composition of alloys can be determined by
8. In a single tank system, the transfer function of level to inlet flow rate is
9. The root locus method, a pole of a transfer function G(s) is the value of s for which G(s) approaches
10. The __________ of a vapor pressure thermometer is a secondary element.
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