Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A lift of weight W is lifted by a rope with an acceleration f. If the area of cross-section of the rope is A, the stress in the rope is

If a solid shaft (diameter 20 cm, length 400 cm, N = 0.8 × 105 N/mm2) when subjected to a twisting moment, produces maximum shear stress of 50 N/mm2, the angle of twist in radians, is

A steel plate d × b is sandwiched rigidly between two timber joists each D × B/2 in section. The moment of resistance of the beam for the same maximum permissible stress $$\sigma $$ in timber and steel will be (where Young's modulus of steel is m times that of the timber).

An isolated load W is acting at a distance a from the left hand support, of a three hinged arch of span 2$$l$$ and rise h hinged at the crown, the horizontal reaction at the support, is

A spring of mean radius 40 mm contains 8 action coils of steel (N = 80000 N/mm2), 4 mm in diameter. The clearance between the coils being 1 mm when unloaded, the minimum compressive load to remove the clearance, is

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