Which of the following could provide an example of exceptional demand curves?
1. Demand for "Giffen goods"
2. Demand based on fears of a future rise in prices
3. Demand for second-hand clothes
4. Demand for daily newspapers
Select the right answer:

Assertion (A): Consumer's surplus is the difference between the potential price and the actual price.
Reason (R): There exists an inverse relationship between the price and the consumer's surplus.

Which of the following points is not an exception to the law of diminishing marginal utility?

If an individual is observed to work less in response to an increase in the wage rate for his services, this implies that

Which one of the following growth models includes the population growth function?
I. Classical model
II. Harrod-Domar model
III. Neo-classical model
IV. Schumpeter model

Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer:
List-I List-II
a. Risk Bearing Theory of profit 1. Prof. Clark
b. Dynamic Theory of profit 2. Prof. Hawley
c. The innovation theory of profit 3. Prof. Knight
d. Uncertainity theory of profit 4. Prof. Schumpeter

Match List-I and List-II
List-I List-II
a. Give strong orders 1. Marshall
b. Cardinal analysis 2. Hicks
c. Ordinal analysis 3. Slasky
d. Compensatory demand curve 4. Samuelson

On which of the following assumptions, the theory of consumer behaviour of cardinal utility approach is NOT based?