If carrots and a good Y are substitutes, the relationship between the price of good Y and the quantity demand of carrots will be shown by a curve that will

Marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue, average cost is equal to average revenue, average revenue is equal to marginal revenue and average cost is equal to marginal cost. This is the condition of
1. long period equilibrium for a firm under monopoly
2. short period equilibrium for a firm under oligopoly
3. long period equilibrium
4. long period equilibrium for a firm under perfect competitions
Select the correct answer

If the demand is absolutely/perfectly inelastic, then the demand for the good increases by 15% in the price

In economics, 'the central economic problem' means that:

Maximization of firm's growth rate subject to managerial and financial constraints' as one of the important alternative objectives of especially large business corporation was pleaded by:

With reference to nominal wages, which of the following statement is/are correct?
1. It is received in money form
2. It is not received in money form
Select the correct answer