1. The use of spooler programs or . . . . . . . . Hardware allows PC operators to do the processing work at the same time a printing operation is in progress.
2. In full adders the sum circuit is implemented using . . . . . . . .
3. The collection of the above mentioned entities where data is stored is called . . . . . . . .
4. . . . . . . . . instruction is used to set up a frame pointer for the subroutines in 68000.
5. While using the direct mapping technique, in a 16 bit system the higher order 5 bits are used for . . . . . . . .
6. . . . . . . . . the most suitable data structure used to store the return addresses in the case of nested subroutines.
7. The number failed attempts to access memory, stated in the form of a fraction is called as . . . . . . . .
8. In case of nested subroutines the return addresses are stored in . . . . . . . .
9. If a processor clock is rated as 1250 million cycles per second, then its clock period is . . . . . . . .
10. . . . . . . . . bus structure is usually used to connect I/O devices.
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