
Identify false statement

A. You can find deleted files in recycle bin

B. You can restore any files in recycle bin if you ever need

C. You can increase free space of disk by sending files in recycle bin

D. You can right click and choose Empty Recycle Bin to clean it at once

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In Windows operating system, the recycle bin is temporary storage for files or folders that have been deleted but are not yet permanently erased from the system. A user can open the recycle bin and restore deleted file if need.

This Question Belongs to Computer Fundamentals >> Operating System

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Comments ( 9 )

  1. Sthitipragyan Sahoo
    Sthitipragyan Sahoo :
    2 years ago

    The explanation is correct, but it won't satisfy the option "C" correctly.
    But the option "C" is correct .

    You can write in this way :
    if you delete data from other drive apart from C drive, then it will not increase the free space in system.(This is a false statement)

    2 years ago

    C is correct

  3. Shivam Yadav
    Shivam Yadav :
    4 years ago

    Option C because we cannot actually empty disk space. Deleting is basically de-referencing the file, it means that the file will be on disk but the pointer/table... that points to that file/folder is no longer pointing to the file/folder(de-referencing). We cant delete file/folder we just de-reference it even it is recycle bin, even formatting doesn't actually deletes, it just de-reference the table which is used to refer all files/folder on that disk.
    It just Overwrites the thing, Just like in Static Stack how we perform POP(deleting upper/latest - element/data) operatiob.

  4. Sazedul Islam
    Sazedul Islam :
    4 years ago

    isnt deleting file frees the space of hardisk?/ please explain

  5. Sidra Tariq
    Sidra Tariq :
    4 years ago

    Optn c is corct bcs send file is unappropriate it must be deleting files is appropriate word i think

  6. Farhad Hossain
    Farhad Hossain :
    5 years ago

    its C because sending files to recycle bin doesn't mean to free up space. it only frees your space when you delete it from recycle bin also.

  7. Raz On
    Raz On :
    7 years ago

    i dont think ans C is more reasonable.

  8. Ashwini Salwadgi
    Ashwini Salwadgi :
    8 years ago

    When we deleted something it goes in recycle bin. there is already free space
    please give answer

  9. Jojan Stha
    Jojan Stha :
    8 years ago

    but isnt deleting file frees the space of hardisk?/ please explain

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A. You can find deleted files in recycle bin

B. You can restore any files in recycle bin if you ever need

C. You can increase free space of disk by sending files in recycle bin

D. You can right click and choose Empty Recycle Bin to clean it at once