
If a train with a speed of 60 km/hr. crosses a pole in 30 seconds. The length of the train (in metres) is :

A. 1000 metres

B. 900 metres

C. 750 metres

D. 500 metres

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The length of pole is considered as negligible i.e., = 0
i.e., when a train crosses the pole, it covers the distance equal to the length of train
So, the time will be taken by the train = 30 sec
And speed = 60 km/hr
Then the length of the train :
= 60 kmh × 30 sec
= 60 × $$\frac{5}{18}$$ × 30 metres
= 10 × $$\frac{5}{3}$$ × 30
= 500 metres

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Speed Time And Distance

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