If the staff is not held vertical at a level¬ling station, the reduced level calculated from the observation would be
A. true R.L.
B. more than true R.L.
C. less than true R.L.
D. none of the above
Answer: Option C
A. true R.L.
B. more than true R.L.
C. less than true R.L.
D. none of the above
Answer: Option C
Which of the following methods of contouring is most suitable for a hilly terrain?
A. Direct method
B. Square method
C. Cross-sections method
D. Tachometric method
A. 750 mm × 900 mm
B. 600 mm × 750 mm
C. 450 mm × 600 mm
D. 300 mm × 450 mm
A. 22° 30'
B. 23° 27'
C. 23° 30'
D. 24° 0'
Suppose height of instrument is 100 m..
Then , if a staff stands without any error
ans that it should be straight ... F. S is 2 m ( assume).
Then the staff R. L = 100-2 = 98m...
Now, if the staff not held vertically means inclined. Then it must be reading more than 2 m ( assume first).
Because of, we know that straight lines is shortest distance between two point as in the first case...
This staff reading is 3 m ( suppose)..
The R. L. OF the staff is 100-3 = 97 m....
So according to this theory answer is option 3
Can anyone give an explanation. Isn't that B is the correct answer?
It should be both less or more