61. Reporting the status of an activity through a feedback mechanism is called _____ information.
62. Which of these items is a major component of today's IT infrastructure?
63. In among the firms executives, managers, and supervisors are comes under _____ of workers.
64. Management information systems usually______________.
65. ____ means that information must reach the recipients within the prescribe timerframe.
66. Identifying customers and markets using data on demographics, markets, consumer behaviour, and trends is an example of ____________.
67. ______ is a prominent attribute of management information procured through MIS of an organization.
68. Deciding where to locate new production facilities is an example of a manufacturing and production information system operating at the _______.
69. Plan must include the _____ systems concept for implementation of the new Information system.
70. Tracking employee training, skills, and performance appraisal is an example of a human resource information system operating at the ____________________.
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