Manganese is added in low carbon steel to
A. Make the steel tougher and harder
B. Raise the yield point
C. Make the steel ductile and of good bending qualities
D. All of the above
Answer: Option C
A. Make the steel tougher and harder
B. Raise the yield point
C. Make the steel ductile and of good bending qualities
D. All of the above
Answer: Option C
Manganese is added in low carbon steel to
A. Make the steel tougher and harder
B. Raise the yield point
C. Make the steel ductile and of good bending qualities
D. All of the above
The elastic stress strain behavior of rubber is
A. Linear
B. Nonlinear
C. Plastic
D. No fixed relationship
Completely Wrong Answer . It makes hard and increase strength of iron . By adding C, N , MN ,Mo we can increase iron strength.
why are you giving wrong answers?
If manganese is add in steel than makes hard,tough,and wear resisting