81. The index which correlates the combined effects of air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity on the human body, is known as
82. The mass of water vapour present in __________ is called absolute humidity.
83. An Electrolux refrigerator is called a _________ absorption system.
84. For unsaturated air, the dew point temperature is __________ wet bulb temperature.
85. As relative humidity decreases, the dew point temperature will be ________ wet bulb temperature.
86. The wet bulb temperature at 100% relative humidity is ________ dry bulb temperature.
87. In a reversed Brayton cycle, the heat is absorbed by the air during
88. The curved lines on a psychrometric chart indicates
89. The horizontal and non-uniformly spaced lines on a psychrometric chart indicates
90. The vertical and uniformly spaced lines on a psychrometric chart indicates
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