
Section 35 B of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 deals with

A. Costs of causing delay

B. Cost of the suit

C. Interest

D. Compensatory costs in respect of false or vexatious claims or defenses

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Section 35 B of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 deals with Compensatory costs in respect of false or vexatious claims or defenses. This section empowers the court to impose costs on parties who bring false or vexatious claims or defenses, essentially penalizing them for wasting the court's time and resources. These costs are meant to compensate the other party for the unnecessary litigation expenses incurred due to baseless claims or defenses.

Option A, "Costs of causing delay," is not the specific focus of Section 35 B, although costs can be imposed for causing delay in the course of the proceedings.

Option B, "Cost of the suit," is a broader term that includes various costs associated with the lawsuit, but Section 35 B specifically addresses compensatory costs for false or vexatious claims or defenses.

Option C, "Interest," is a separate aspect of civil suits and is not covered by Section 35 B.

Therefore, the correct answer is Compensatory costs in respect of false or vexatious claims or defenses.

This Question Belongs to Law >> Code Of Civil Procedure

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  1. Swati Sharma
    Swati Sharma :
    8 months ago

    Option a is correct

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