The compression ratio for the compressor is always _________ unity.
A. Equal to
B. Less than
C. More than
D. None of these
Answer: Option C
Solution(By Examveda Team)
The compression ratio is simply the ratio of the absolute stage discharge pressure to the absolute stage suction pressure.The compression ratio for the compressor is always More than unity.
How can it be possible, because
compression ratio = Pressure at discharge / Pressure at Suction
= Lower Pressure / Higher Pressure
= x
How can it be possible,
compression ratio = Pressure at discharge / Pressure at Suction
= Lower Pressure / Higher Pressure
= x
Suction pressure is like compression where pressure is greater as it is getting compressed. While in discharge pressure is like expansion where pressure is getting released. So, higher value of pressure at the numerator to the lower value of pressure in denominator, would lead to answer that would be greater than 1. So, yes, compression ratio is more than unity