The property of coil by which a counter e.m.f. is induced in it when the current through the coil changes is known as
A. Self-inductance
B. Mutual inductance
C. Series aiding inductance
D. Capacitance
Answer: Option A
A. Self-inductance
B. Mutual inductance
C. Series aiding inductance
D. Capacitance
Answer: Option A
A. Self-inductance
B. Mutual inductance
C. Series aiding inductance
D. Capacitance
Which circuit element(s) will oppose the change in circuit current?
A. Resistance only
B. Inductance only
C. Capacitance only
D. Inductance and capacitance
Which of the following circuit elements will oppose the change in circuit current?
A. Capacitance
B. Inductance
C. Resistance
D. All of the above
A. 2.0
B. 1.0
C. 0.5
D. Zero
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