
Under Order XVI, Rule 1, sub-rule (4) summons may be obtained by the parties within . . . . . . . . of presenting the list of witnesses

A. 5 days

B. 7 days

C. 9 days

D. 10 days

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In the context of the Code of Civil Procedure, specifically Order XVI, Rule 1, sub-rule (4), it pertains to the issuance of summons to witnesses. When a party wishes to call witnesses to testify in a civil case, they need to provide a list of these witnesses to the court. Sub-rule (4) of Rule 1 in Order XVI deals with the timeline for obtaining summons for these witnesses.

The rule states that parties have a specific period of time within which they can obtain the necessary summons after presenting the list of witnesses. In this case, the correct time frame is 5 days. This means that from the moment a party submits or presents their list of witnesses to the court, they have a maximum of 5 days to request and obtain the summons for those witnesses.

So, to reiterate, the correct answer to the question is indeed Option A: 5 days. It's essential for parties involved in a civil case to be aware of these timelines to ensure that they can properly notify and summon their witnesses for the trial.

This Question Belongs to Law >> Code Of Civil Procedure

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  1. RAVICHANDRAN Rajagopal
    RAVICHANDRAN Rajagopal :
    7 months ago

    The correct answer is (A) 5 days - mentioned in Order XVI Rule 1 sub-rule 4 of CPC

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