Whenever my students come across new words, I ask them to look for them in the dictionary.
A. to look it up
B. to look them up
C. to look at them
D. No improvement
Answer: Option B
A. to look it up
B. to look them up
C. to look at them
D. No improvement
Answer: Option B
The workers are hell bent at getting what is due to them.
A. hell bent on getting
B. hell bent for getting
C. hell bent upon getting
D. No improvement
A. into crushing
B. in crushing
C. without crushing
D. No improvement
If the room had been brighter, I would have been able to read for a while before bed time.
A. If the room was brighter
B. If the room are brighter
C. Had the room been brighter
D. No improvement
A. improved
B. broken
C. bettered
D. No improvement
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