Which is the menu to create a text box on a slide?
A. View -> Text Box
B. Tools -> Text Box
C. Insert -> Text Box
D. Format -> Text Box
Answer: Option C
A. View -> Text Box
B. Tools -> Text Box
C. Insert -> Text Box
D. Format -> Text Box
Answer: Option C
Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation?
A. Outline
B. Slides
C. Notes
D. All of above are available
Which of the following statements is not true?
A. You can type text directly into a PowerPoint slide but typing in text box is more convenient.
B. From Insert menu choose Picture and then File to insert your images into slides.
C. You can view a PowerPoint presentation in Normal, Slide Sorter or Slide Show view.
D. You can show or hide task pane from View >> Toolbars.
To start Microsoft PowerPoint application
A. Click on Start > Programs > All Programs > Microsoft PowerPoint
B. Hit Ctrl + R then type ppoint.exe and Enter
C. Click Start > Run then type powerpnt then press Enter
D. All of above
Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?
A. Titles
B. Lists
C. Charts
D. Animations
Insert menu