Which of following is/are the advantage(s) of modular programming?
A. The program is much easier to change
B. Modules can be reused in other programs
C. Easy debugging
D. Easy to compile
E. None of the above
Answer: Option A
A. The program is much easier to change
B. Modules can be reused in other programs
C. Easy debugging
D. Easy to compile
E. None of the above
Answer: Option A
If there are multiple recycle bin for a hard disk
A. You can set different size for each recycle bin
B. You can choose which recycle bin to use to store your deleted files
C. You can make any one of them default recycle bin
D. None of above
A. You can find deleted files in recycle bin
B. You can restore any files in recycle bin if you ever need
C. You can increase free space of disk by sending files in recycle bin
D. You can right click and choose Empty Recycle Bin to clean it at once
If the displayed system time and date is wrong, you can reset it using
A. Write
B. Calendar
C. Write file
D. Control panel
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