Which of the following format you can decide to apply or not in AutoFormat dialog box?
A. Number format
B. Border format
C. Font format
D. All of above
Answer: Option D
A. Number format
B. Border format
C. Font format
D. All of above
Answer: Option D
Which of the following format you can decide to apply or not in AutoFormat dialog box?
A. Number format
B. Border format
C. Font format
D. All of above
How can you remove borders applied in cells?
A. Choose None on Border tab of Format cells
B. Open the list on Border tool in Format Cell toolbar then choose first tool (none)
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Where can you set the shading color for a range of cells in Excel?
A. Choose required color form Patterns tab of Format Cells dialog box
B. Choose required color on Fill Color tool in Formatting toolbar
C. Choose required color on Fill Color tool in Drawing toolbar
D. All of above
You can set Page Border in Excel from
A. From Border tab in Format Cells dialog box
B. From Border tool in Formatting toolbar
C. From Line Style tool in Drawing toolbar
D. You can not set page border in Excel
How to add comments to tha cells?
What happens when dollar signs ($) are entered in a cell address? (ex. SBS2:$B$10)
The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from menu.
How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?
Arror in program is called?
i could not understand
Yes it's right because number,font style and border you can take same for all official documents.
couldnt understand............................