Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ? _ ab _ b _ aba _ _ abab.
A. abbaa
B. bbaab
C. abaab
D. aaaba
Answer: Option D
Solution(By Examveda Team)
aabab / aabab / aabab. The pattern is repeated aabab.Join The Discussion
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Related Questions on Continuous Pattern Series
A. abcbb
B. bbbcc
C. baaba
D. abbcc
A. abbaa
B. bbaab
C. abaab
D. aaaba
There is mistake in answer.. True answer is A, because there are 15 letters means pattern must be in 3 or 5 letters. There is no series in 3 so, we take 5 letters. When we take 5 letters at once then babab, babab, babab series is formed.
thank you so much @Nandini patil
How to divide then given thing whether its a series containing 3 or 4 alphabets how to find it
the answer to the question posted by sunny yadav is - babb
the series is ccba/bbca/aabc/ccba/b
ccbab_caa_bccc_a_..... ans with explanation please.
thank you