Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ? a_bbc_aab_cca_bbcc
A. bacb
B. acba
C. caba
D. abba
Answer: Option B
A. bacb
B. acba
C. caba
D. abba
Answer: Option B
A. abcbb
B. bbbcc
C. baaba
D. abbcc
A. abbaa
B. bbaab
C. abaab
D. aaaba
Which one set of letters, when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series, shall complete it?
Yes @Ujjal, acba will be answer because these letters are making series pattern complete.
how to solve it?follow the pattern when repeated this type,so what we say that answer should be acba????????????
please sharre the approach to solve this question other than hit and trial