Who is considered to be the founder of Carvaka philosophy?
A. Brihaspati
B. Shankara
C. Mimamsa
D. Jaimini
Answer: Option A
Solution(By Examveda Team)
In Classical Indian Epistemology and Metaphysics,Brihaspati
is considered to be the founder of Carvaka philosophy. Carvaka, also known as Lokayata, is a materialistic school of thought in Indian philosophy. It is characterized by its rejection of religious authority, emphasis on empirical observation and sensual pleasure, and denial of an afterlife or the existence of a soul. Brihaspati is credited with formulating the foundational principles of Carvaka philosophy, which were later developed and elaborated upon by other thinkers. Therefore, Option A is the correct answer.
Describe about Brihaspati