If angle bisector of a triangle bisects the opposite side, then what type of triangle is it?

If the sides of a right angled triangle are three consecutive integers, then the length of the smallest side is

In a triangle ABC, BC is produced to D so that CD = AC. If ∠BAD = 111° and ∠ACB = 80°, then the measure of ∠ABC is:

In a ΔABC, AB = BC, ∠B = x° and ∠A = (2x - 20)°, Then ∠B is :

If two angles of a triangle are 21° and 38°, then the triangle is :

In ΔPQR, S and T are point on sides PR and PQ respectively such that ∠PQR = ∠PST, If PT = 5 cm, PS = 3 cm and TQ = 3 cm, then length of SR is

In a ΔABC, AB = AC and BA is produced to D such that AC = AD. Then the ∠BCD is :

In ΔABC, two points D and E are taken on the lines AB and BC respectively in such a way that AC is parallel to DE. Then ΔABC and ΔDBE are :

If ABC is an equilateral triangle and P, Q, R respectively denote the middle points of AB, BC, CA then

In ΔABC, ∠A + ∠B = 65°, ∠B + ∠C = 140°, then find ∠B.

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