51. Vibrating screens are used for handling large tonnages of materials. The vibrating motion is imparted to the screening surface by means of
52. Gizzlies are used for separating __________ solids.
53. For grinding of cereals, grains, spices, pigments, saw dust, cork etc., the most extensively used size reduction equipment is a
54. What is the usual value of angle of nip for crushing of ordinary rock in smooth steel crushing rolls?
55. Sauter mean diameter is the same as the __________ mean diameter.
56. Filter medium resistance is important during the __________ of filtration.
57. Power consumption during turbulent flow in agitation tank is proportional to the __________ of the liquid.
58. Mechanical conveyors which push the material along an endless trough or tube are called scrappers. Which of the following conveying equipments comes under the category of 'scrappers'?
59. For laminar flow of filtrate through the cake deposited on septum, which of the following will be valid?
60. Pine oil and cresylic acid are used as __________ in the froth floatation process.
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