71. The critical speed of a trommel (N) is related to its dia (D) as
72. Cartridge filters are termed as 'edge' filters, because of the fact that the
73. Two particles are called to be equal settling, if they are having the same.
74. If a force greater than that of gravity is used to separate solids & fluids of different densities, the process is termed as the
75. The capacity of a classifier in 'tons of solid/hr' is given by (where, A = cross-sectional area, m2, V = rising velocity of fluid, m/sec, S = percentage of solids in the suspension by volume, ρ = density of solids, kg/m3)
76. The specific surface of sherical particles is proportional to (where, Dp = diameter of particle).
77. Wet grinding in a revolving mill __________ as compared to dry grinding.
78. Trommels employ __________ for screening of materials.
79. Run of mine (ROM) coal is crushed by a __________ for use in domestic ovens.
80. increasing the capacity of a screen __________ the screen effectiveness.
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