Assault or criminal force used in attempting to commit theft of property is punishable under:

Theory of retribution-

Actus me invito factus non est mens actus' means

A', finds a gold ring on the road, knowing it be the property of 'Z', he having unknowingly lost it there 'A' picks up the ring and pledges it with a money-lender to raise a loan. 'A' has committed

Consider the following statements:
1. Every murder is culpable homicide
2. Every culpable homicide is murder
3. Every robbery is either theft or extortion
4. Every extortion is robbery
Which of the statements given above are correct?

A instigates B to resist by force a distress made by a public servant, knowing full well that B most likely will cause hurt in the process. Hence B in consequence, resists that distress. In offering the resistance, B voluntarily causes grievous hurt to the officer executing the distress.

Using a genuine a Government stamp known to be counterfeit is dealt under-

Principle: Whoever tenders to any other person counterfeit coins or currency which he knows to be counterfeit, commits an offence.
Factual Situation: A was an employee in a private company. One day while depositing some money at the bank, handed over to him by the company's cashier, the bank's cashier identified a 100 rupee note as counterfeit and returned it to A. Then A went to a hotel, ordered lunch and handed over the counterfeit 100 rupee note at the hotel so as to get rid of it. The hotel manager identified the note as counterfeit and informed the police.

Sections 61 and 62 of Indian Penal Code dealing with absolute forfeiture of all property of the offender have been abolished by: