The maximum age limit of a person who can be a member in national commission is
A. 65
B. 70
C. 35
D. 60
Answer: Option B
A. 65
B. 70
C. 35
D. 60
Answer: Option B
The Consumer Protection Act 1986 extends to
A. The whole India
B. The whole India except J. & K.
C. The whole India except Nagaland tribal area
D. Both (B) and (C)
A. Personal Interest Litigations
B. Private Internal Litigations
C. Private Interest Litigations
D. Public Interest Litigation
E. Personal Information Litigations
A. 20 days
B. 30 days
C. 50 days
D. 70 days
E. 100 days
The maximum age limit of a person who can be a member in national commission is
A. 65
B. 70
C. 35
D. 60
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