
A book vendor sold a book at loss of 10% . Had he sold it for Rs. 108 more, he would have earned a profit of 10% . Find the cost of the book = ?

A. Rs. 442

B. Rs. 540

C. Rs. 648

D. Rs. 740

Answer: Option B

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Given loss = 10% profit = 10%
Difference of overall profit and loss = 10 - (-10) = 20%
20% of cp = sp
$$\frac{{20}}{{100}} \times {\text{cp = 108}}$$
20 × cp = 108 × 100
cp = $$\frac{{10800}}{{20}}$$
∴ cp = 540

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Profit And Loss

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