
A person sells a table at a profit of 10% . If he had bought the table at 5% less cost and sold for Rs. 80 more, he would have gained 20% . The cost price of the table is = ?

A. Rs. 3200

B. Rs. 2500

C. Rs. 2000

D. Rs. 200

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Let the CP1 of Table = 100x
Initial SP1 = 100x + 10% of 100x = 100x + 10x = 110x
Now, If He brought table at 5% discount. Therefore CP2 = 95x
Now SP2 = 95x + 20% of 95x = 95x + 19x =114x
According to question
SP2 - SP1 = 80
⇒ 114x - 110x = 80
⇒ 4x = 80
⇒ x = 20
Initial Cost of table = 100 × 20 = Rs. 2000

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Profit And Loss

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Ashutosh Tripathy
    Ashutosh Tripathy :
    9 months ago

    17X to be change in 19X

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