Direction (1 - 5): Refer to the graph and answer the given questions.
Data Related to Number of Calories Burned by two Individuals (A and B) on Treadmill during 5 Days.
Direction image of Line Chart chapter
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A 50 185 90 160 180
B 75 100 125 135 145

What is the total number of calories burned by A on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday together?

Number of calories burned by B increased by what percent from Monday to Thursday?

What is the respective ratio of total number of calories burned by A and B together on Wednesday and the by the same individuals together on Tuesday?

If the average number of calories burned by B on Thursday, Friday and Saturday together is 125, what was the number of calories burned by B on Saturday?

If the number of calories burned by A and B increased by 10% and 20% respectively from Friday to Saturday, what was the total number of calories burned by them together on Saturday?