1. Article 359 of the Constitution authorizes the president of India to suspend the right to move any court for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights during :
2. The correct chronological order of the formation of Haryana, Sikkim, Arunanchal Pradesh and Nagaland as full states of Indian Union is :
3. The speaker of the Lok Sabha can ask a member of the house to stop speaking and let another member speak. This phenomenon is known as :
4. By which Constitutional Amendment Act was the number of Lok sabha seats increased from 525 to 545 ?
5. The first Backward Class commission was appointed in 1953 under the chairmanship of :
6. The disqualification of the Members of Parliament and state legislatures on the ground of defection has been provided in :
7. The provisions of Concurrent List, freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse and joint sitting of two Houses of Parliament are borrowed from :
8. Article 169 of the Constitution makes the provision for the abolition or creation of :
9. Which part of the Constitution of India deals with special provisions to SCs, STs, OBCs and Anglo-Indians ?
10. The Inter State Council was established in 1990 in pursuance of the recommendation made by :
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- Indian Politics - Section 8
- Indian Politics - Section 9
- Indian Politics - Section 10
- Indian Politics - Section 11
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