1. One of the following is not a condition for determining the capacity of a male Hindu to adopt;
2. Ancient Hindu law recognised
3. After passing a decree for judicial separation in favour of petitioner, the same Court may rescind it on reasonable and just ground
4. Who amongst the following is not a class II heir
5. A marriage solemnised between any two Hindus who are spindas of each other shall be valid
6. A Marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 must be solemnised in accordance with the customary rites & ceremonies of
7. Section 26 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 covers
8. Supreme Court has held that for effecting a partition, there must be intimation, indication or representation of a intention to partition and the communication of intention to sever must be communicated to all interested parties. It has been so held in
9. The alienation of property without the permission of High Court is:
10. Section 14 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
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