The bending moment in the center of a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length is

The shear force at the ends of a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length is

The maximum diameter of the hole that can be punched from a plate of maximum shear stress $${\frac{1}{4}^{{\text{th}}}}$$ of its maximum crushing stress of punch, is equal to (where t = Thickness of the plate)

A rod is enclosed centrally in a tube and the assembly is tightened by rigid washers. If the assembly is subjected to a compressive load, then

A composite bar made up of steel and copper bars of equal lengths are heated through 100°C. The stresses developed shall be

The extension of a circular bar tapering uniformly from diameter d1 at one end to diameter d2 at the other end and subjected to an axial pull of ‘P’ is given by

The polar moment of inertia of a solid circular shaft of diameter (D) is

The polar modulus for a solid shaft of diameter (D) is

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