Two items A and B are sold at a profit of 10% and 15% respectively. If the amount of profit received is the same, then the cost price of A and B may be = ?

A man buys a toy for Rs. 25 and sells it for Rs. 30. His gain percent is = ?

A dealer sold an article at 6% loss. Had he sold it for Rs. 64 more, he would have made a profit of 10%. Then the cost of the article is = ?

After successive discounts of 12% and 5% an article was sold for Rs. 209. What was the original price of the article?

Two stories A and B mark the price of an item identically. A allows 3 successive discounts of 10% each. B allows 10% discount on the list price and a subsequent discount of 19%. Under the circumstances, which of the following is true?

By selling 4 articles for 1 rupee, a man losses 4%. Had he sold three articles per rupee, the profit would have been = ?

By selling 80 ball pens for Rs. 140 a retailer losses 30%. How many ball pens should he sell for Rs. 104 so as to make a profit of 30% ?

By selling 12 kg of potatoes for 63, a shopkeeper gains 5%. What does his gain or loss percent by selling. 50 kg of the same potatoes for 247.50 ?

If on a marked price, the difference of selling prices with a discount of 30% and two successive discounts of 20% and 10% is Rs. 72, then the marked price in Rs. is

An article is listed at Rs. 900 and two successive discounts of 8% and 8% are given on it. How much would the seller gain or lose, if he gives a single discounts of 16%, instead of two discounts?

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