Consider the following statements :
I. Every equilateral triangle is necessarily an isosceles triangle.
II. Every right-angled triangle is necessarily an isosceles triangle.
III. A triangle in which one of the median is perpendicular to the side it meets, is necessarily an isosceles triangle.
The correct statements are:

Consider the following statements :
I. Three sides of a triangle are equal to three sides of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.
II. If three angles of a triangle are respectively equal to three angles of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.
Of these statements :

In ΔABC, AD ⊥ BC, then

In the adjoining figure AB, EF and CD are parallel lines. Given that GE = 5 cm, GC = 10 cm and DC = 18 cm, then EF is equal to:
mcq questions triangle Aptitude12

A triangle cannot be drawn with the following three sides

The in-radius of an equilateral triangle is of length 3 cm. Then the length of each of its medians is

The sides of a triangle are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 6. The triangle is:

In ΔABC, AD is the internal bisector of ∠A, meeting the side BC at D. If BD = 5 cm, BC = 7.5 cm, then AB : AC is

If the circumradius of an equilateral triangle be 10 cm, then the measure of its in-radius is

I is the incentre of ΔABC, ∠ABC = 60° and ∠ACB = 50°, Then ∠BIC is

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