Dacoity with murder creates co-extensive responsibility of each participant because

Principle: A person is duty bound to act with such reasonable caution as a prudent man would have exercised under such circumstances.
Facts: The defendant 'D', built a hay stack near the boundary of his land which bordered the plaintiffs land. He had been warned several times by many in the vicinity over a period of five weeks that the manner in which he built the hay stack was dangerous. The defendant's hay stack had been built with a precautionary "chimney" to prevent the hay from spontaneously igniting, but one day it caught fire. Consequently, the hay ignited and spread to the plaintiffs land, burning down two of the plaintiffs cottages.
Is 'D' liable?

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the given below the lists.
List I (Principle) List II (Associated case)
a. damnum sine injuria 1. Ashby v. White
b. absolute Liability 2. Gloucester Grammer School case
c. injuria sine damnum 3. Stanely v. Powel case
d. inevitable accident 4. Ryland v. Fletcher case

In which of the following cases, insulting words cannot form the basis of an action of defamation?

In England successive actions under the Civil Liability (Contribution) Act, 1978 are permissible in case

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