If a person wrote that all lawyers were thieves, he can be sued by

Which of the following is not correctly matched?
a. Damnum sine injuria 1. Town Area Committee v. Prabhu Dayal
b. Act of God 2. Smith v. Charles Baker
c. Defamation 3. Cassidy v. Daily Mirror Newspaper
d. Valenti non fit injuria 4. Haynes v. Harwood

In his definition of 'Law of Tort', Winfield supports the principle given in the maxim:

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

A had constructed a temporary structure on a land belonging to the Municipal Corporation in which he ran a flourishing restaurant that was frequented by elites of the town. The Municipal Corporation constructed a huge Public Toilet in the plot adjoining A's famous restaurant. Does A have any remedy under Tort Law?

P, owner of a car, asked his friend Q to drive the car to Bombay where he would join him. As the car was about five kilometers from Bombay it hit a pedestrian R, on account of Q's negligent driving and injured him seriously. R sued P for damages. In this case:

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