The specific heat (Cp) of pure iron expressed in J/(mol.K) as a function of temperature T (in K) is given as:
Cp = 17.49 + 24.77 × 10-3 T
What is the change in the enthalpy of pure iron (in J/mol) when it is heated from 25°C to 700°C?

The intensive thermodynamic variables among the following are:
P. Pressure
Q. Volume
R. Temperature
S. Enthalpy

Liquid steel contains initially 0.05 mass% P and this has to be reduced to 0.01 mass% using a basic slag. The equilibrium distribution ratio of P between slag and metal is $$Lp = \frac{{\left( {\% P} \right){\text{slag}}}}{{\left( {\% P} \right){\text{metal}}}}, = 80;$$     Assuming that in itially the slag does not contain any phosphorous (P), then the minimum weight of slag (ton) required per ton of steel is

The fugacity of liquid water at 298 K is approximately 3171 Pa. Considering the ideal heat of vaporisation as 43723 J/gm. mole, its fugacity at 300 K would be . . . . . . . . Pascal.

Intensive thermodynamic variables are:

In a dilute solution of elements X, Y etc. in liquid iron, the effect of Y on the activity co-efficient (fx) and the activity (hx) of X with respect to the Henrian 1wt% standard state is taken into account by the activity interaction co-efficient eyx, which is

The rate of sequential multistep reaction, in a chemically controlled process, is expressed by the Arrhenius equation, $$k = A{e^{\left( { - \frac{Q}{{RT}}} \right)}}.$$   During an infinitesimallv small time step, this rate refers to the

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