1. Which keyword is used for sorting the data in ascending order in Mysql?
2. Which of the following statements is/are correct with respect to "VIEW"?
3. Which disk data does FILES table in INFORMATION_SCHEMA store?
4. The TRIGGER privilege is used for the table to be able to create and drop triggers for it.
5. What performs administrative operations?
6. The hub of a MySQL installation is . . . . . . . .
7. Which variable checks for the availability of SSL support?
8. SHOW DATABASES lists the databases in the server to which you are connected.
9. Which case does InnoDB store database names in?
10. What is the log in which data changes received from a replication master server are written?
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- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 1
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 3
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 4
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 5
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 6
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 7
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 8
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 9
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 10
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 11
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 12