1. Will the following SQL command produce any error?
(person_id, fname,lname)
VALUES (1,’S’,’U’),
VALUES (1,’T’,’U’);
/* where person_id is a primary key */
(person_id, fname,lname)
VALUES (1,’S’,’U’),
VALUES (1,’T’,’U’);
/* where person_id is a primary key */
2. If an error occurs during the transaction the troubleshoot is . . . . . . . .
3. Which command is used for the table definition in Mysql?
4. The CGI.pm module for website development is a part of . . . . . . . .
5. MySQL does provides a date type that has an optional time part.
6. When relocating an individual table, the table to be relocated should be . . . . . . . .
7. What is generally done after the transactions are executed successfully?
8. Which statement is used to select columns and rows from the table?
9. Regardless of whether a database or table name is case sensitive on the system, it must be referred to using the same lettercase throughout a given query.
10. What is the most important configurable resource for MyISAM?
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Each Section contains maximum 100 MCQs question on MySQL Miscellaneous. To get more questions visit other sections.
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 1
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 2
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 3
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 4
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 5
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 7
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 8
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 9
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 10
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 11
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 12