1. Which program performs logical backups?
Answer & Solution
* Option B: mysqldump This program is used to dump the data from a MySQL database into a file. This is a common method for creating logical backups.
* Option C: myslqpit This option is incorrect. There is no program called "myslqpit" in MySQL.
* Option D: mysqllogic This option is incorrect. There is no program called "mysqllogic" in MySQL.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option B: mysqldump
2. Which variable is used as a handle to an open file?
3. If the storage engine InnoDB is not used, foreign key cannot be used.
4. What will be the output of the following MySQL command?
SELECT fname
FROM person
WHERE emp_id != 6 OR emp_id IS NULL;
SELECT fname
FROM person
WHERE emp_id != 6 OR emp_id IS NULL;
Answer & Solution
Let's break down the WHERE clause:
* emp_id != 6: This condition selects all rows where the 'emp_id' is not equal to 6.
* emp_id IS NULL: This condition selects all rows where the 'emp_id' is NULL.
The OR operator combines these conditions, meaning the query will retrieve data if either of the conditions is true.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option A: Only those names whose emp_id is not equal to 6 or emp_id with NULL values.
5. The myisamchk variable that represents the size of buffer used to hold index blocks is . . . . . . . .
Answer & Solution
Let's break down the options:
Option A: key_buffer_size: This variable specifies the size of the buffer used to cache index blocks for MyISAM tables. This is the correct answer!
Option B: read_buffer_size: This variable controls the size of the buffer used for reading data from the disk when fetching rows. It's not directly related to index blocks.
Option C: sort_buffer_size: This variable defines the size of the buffer used for sorting data during operations like sorting, creating indexes, or joining tables.
Option D: write_buffer_size: This variable sets the size of the buffer used for storing data before it's written to the disk. It's not directly related to index blocks.
Therefore, the answer is Option A: key_buffer_size.
6. Character data can be stored as . . . . . . . .
Answer & Solution
Think of it like this:
Imagine you have a box to store words.
Would you want a box with a fixed size, like a small shoebox, or a box that can stretch and grow, like a duffel bag?
That's what we're figuring out here!
Option A: Fixed length string is like a shoebox. It has a set amount of space, no matter how long the word is.
Option B: Variable length string is like a duffel bag. It can hold words of different lengths, expanding or shrinking as needed.
Option C: Either Fixed or Variable length string means MySQL offers both options, letting you choose the best fit for your data.
Option D: None of the mentioned is incorrect because MySQL does indeed offer these options for storing character data.
So, which one is right? The answer is Option C. MySQL lets you store character data in both fixed-length and variable-length formats.
7. What is the creation of a stored program similar to?
Answer & Solution
So, which of these options is most similar to creating a stored program?
* Option A: Trigger A trigger is an automated action that happens when a certain event occurs in your database. While triggers use code similar to stored programs, they are designed for specific events and not general purpose code reuse.
* Option B: Event An event is a scheduled task that happens at a specific time or interval. It's similar to a stored program in that it runs code, but its primary focus is on timing and scheduling.
* Option C: View A view is a virtual table based on a query. It doesn't execute code but presents data from underlying tables in a specific way.
* Option D: Table A table is a storage structure for data, not a set of instructions like a stored program.
The answer: While all of these options involve code or actions in your database, the closest match to a stored program is Option B: Event. Both are ways to execute code in your database, but an event is specifically designed for scheduled tasks.
8. MySQL does not provide a date type that has an optional time part.
Answer & Solution
MySQL offers different ways to store dates and times.
The question asks if there's a data type in MySQL that can store a date with an optional time part.
Think of it like this: You might want to store a birthday (just the date) or a specific event (date and time).
Let's analyze the options:
Option A: True
If this is true, it means MySQL doesn't have a data type that can handle both date-only and date-time values.
Option B: False
If this is true, it means MySQL has a data type that allows you to store dates with or without a time component.
To answer the question, you need to know how MySQL handles dates and times. Think about the data types you've learned, and consider if one of them allows you to store a date with an optional time.
9. What will happen if the data being loaded into a text column exceeds the maximum size of that type?
Answer & Solution
Let's look at the options:
* Option A: Extra memory will be allocated: MySQL doesn't automatically allocate extra memory if you try to store more data than a column can hold. This isn't how it works.
* Option B: Process terminate: This is a possibility. If you try to store data that is way too large, the database might stop working (terminate) to prevent problems.
* Option C: Data will be truncated: This is the most likely outcome. Truncated means the data will be cut off. The database will only store as much data as fits within the text column's limit, and any excess data will be lost.
* Option D: Depend on the system: The behavior doesn't really depend on your specific system; it's a core feature of how MySQL manages data types.
So the correct answer is likely Option C: Data will be truncated
Remember: Always consider the limits of your data types to avoid losing important data.
10. For REVOKE statements, the server automatically rereads the grant tables.
Answer & Solution
The REVOKE statement is used to take away privileges that were previously granted to a user or role.
The question is asking if, after a REVOKE statement is executed, MySQL automatically updates its internal tables (called grant tables) that store information about user privileges.
The answer is True.
When you use REVOKE to remove permissions, MySQL immediately updates its grant tables to reflect the changes. This ensures that the database enforces the new permissions accurately.
So, the correct answer is Option A: True.
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- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 9
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 10
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 11
- MySQL Miscellaneous - Section 12