1. In Automatic Block system , in BG when there is obstruction in the adjacent line, driver to protect the adjacent line first by placing one detonator at not less than ________ , metres.
2. Fog signal man must be on ________ Hrs duty.
3. Maximum of ________ cranes can be attached in a passenger train.
4. Wagon with livestock shall be attached ________ position from engine on a passenger train.
5. Motor vehicle in closed wagon shall be attached ________ position from engine on a passenger train.
6. At what time the first train in India (and in Asia) flagged off?
7. If outside the station limits the distance between two trains is ________ in averted collusion, such occurrence may not be treated as an averted collision.
8. Minimum distance apart of refuges in Tunnels in BG is (at present)
9. Normally maximum gradient in station yards in BG is (at present)
10. What will be the maximum speed of a train hauling by Diesel engine when water level is 70mm above from rail level in broad guage line?
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