1. After being proceeded against ex parte, the defendant is:
2. An Executing Court cannot determine the questions relating to which of the following?
3. Which of the following deals with power to dispense with notices in cases of deceased parties in the Code of Civil Procedure?
4. Proceedings in Code of Civil Procedure include
1. A proceeding for the execution of a decree or order
2. A proceeding for the execution of a decree, order or a prosecution
1. A proceeding for the execution of a decree or order
2. A proceeding for the execution of a decree, order or a prosecution
5. When the court gives a decision in ignorance of a statute or a rule having statutory effect, such a decision is termed as:
6. In which of the following cases, C can set off the claim?
7. The application is placed before the following court for the execution of decree:
8. Section 10 of the Civil Procedure Code is related to
9. Order 32 of the Code of Civil Procedure is related to?
10. In case of a cause of action arising at a place where a corporation has a subordinate office, the corporation is deemed to carry on business
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Each Section contains maximum 100 MCQs question on Code of Civil Procedure. To get more questions visit other sections.
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 1
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 2
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 3
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 4
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 5
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 6
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 7
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 8
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 9
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 10
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 11
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 12
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 13
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 15
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 16
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 17
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 18
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 19
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 20
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 21