1. The substantive questions of law for the application of second appeal are
1. Conflict of judicial opinions
2. Non-consideration of admissible evidence
3. Two views are possible
4. Lower court considering irrelevant evidence
Which among the above statements is/are true?
1. Conflict of judicial opinions
2. Non-consideration of admissible evidence
3. Two views are possible
4. Lower court considering irrelevant evidence
Which among the above statements is/are true?
2. In connection with a suit by an indigent person, the suit is deemed to be instituted on the date
3. Law does not require issuance of notice of the application for execution of a decree, to the judgment debtor, where the execution is applied
4. A decree is preliminary;
5. In cases of urgent or immediate relief, where leave to investigate the suit without service of notice under Section 86 of Code of Civil Procedure has been granted
6. In Rajasthan SRTC v. Krishan Kant, AIR 1995 SC 1715, the Supreme Court laid down the:
7. Under Section 115 of Code of Civil Procedure, the High Court has the power of:
8. Compensatory costs can be imposed:
9. Civil Suit for administration of assets belonging to living debtor
10. Detailed rules regarding decree are dealt in:
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Each Section contains maximum 100 MCQs question on Code of Civil Procedure. To get more questions visit other sections.
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 1
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 2
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 3
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 4
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 5
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 6
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 7
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 8
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 10
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 11
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 12
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 13
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 14
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 15
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 16
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 17
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 18
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 19
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 20
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 21