Which of the following is correctly matched?
List-I List-II
a. Style 1. It comes and goes
b. Fashion 2. Lasts for generations
c. Fad 3. Currently accepted or popular style in a given field

Match the following.
List-I List-II
a. Sales promotion 1. Newspaper
b. Advertising 2. Warranties
c. Promotional pricing 3. Offset
d. Geographical pricing 4. Sample

The undernoted items are categorised into which one of the following international product decisions for global business?
Straight extension, product adaptation, communication extension, communication adaptation, product extension, dual adaptation and innovation.

Which one of the following is not step of process of the marketing planning?

Match the following:
List-I (Market) List-II (Nature)
a. Area 1. Geographical
b. Tea 2. Nature of goods
c. Articles of trade 3. Commodities
d. Exchange 4. Stock exchange

Match the following:
List-I (Types of Goods) List-II (Example)
a. Speciality Goods 1. Premium Cosmetics
b. Industrial Goods 2. Furniture
c. Shopping Goods 3. Capital Equipment
d. Agricultural Goods 4. Rice

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